
Gather for the Full Snow Moon with all your SOUL SISTERS. Harness the moon energy to connect to our Sacral Chakra...our energy center for pleasure and play. Combined with the power of the Goddess Archetype we will learn to flow and let go.

This mini-retreat is time for you to connect inward with your dreams as well as your inner child. It will be a safe space for you to analyze what you are resisting and release what no longer serves you. It will serve as a time where you can connect and form bonds with other women and feel empowered in your own body, your own soul, and your own community.

This 3 hour Circle is $40 to attend and will include the following:

>Gentle Yoga Class
>Goddess Activation Dance Class
>Goddess Lecture on Saraswati - Goddess of knowledge, art, and creativity.
>Full Moon Releasing Ritual
>Cacao Drinking Ceremony
>Mini Journal with Prompts and Journaling Session
>Guided Meditation
>Safe Optional Sharing Space
>and if there's time...Yoga Nidra session!
BONUS: sacral chakra crystal and essential oil sample

This Full Moon Circle is for you to embrace your feminine, Goddess energy. Connect to your strength and your power and allow it to flow. And make some other badass Goddess gal pals while you are at it!